Now Winlog Pro SCADA software supports the BACnet over IP protocol.
BACnet, defined by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating and Air-conditioning Engineers) is a protocol designed specifically for building automation and control systems such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, access control and fire detection.
The BACnet protocol defines a number of services that are used to communicate between building devices. The protocol services include Who-Is, I-Am, Who-Has, I-Have, which are used for Device and Object discovery. Services such as Read-Property and Write-Property are used for data sharing.
As of ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2016, the BACnet protocol defines 60 object types that are acted upon by the services.
Winlog Pro supports a subset of BACnet objects as Analog Input/Output, Binay Input/Output, Calendar and Scheduler etc.
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